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Paycheck Protection Program

We Care About Texans

Guaranty Bank & Trust N.A. has assisted over 2,000 Texas Businesses with the SBA Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).  The PPP program through Guaranty Bank & Trust has loaned over $310 million to Small Businesses in Texas, impacting over 40,000 Texas Jobs.

The PPP program has provided forgivable loans to qualifying small businesses.  Eligible businesses have been submitting an SBA Forgiveness application to Guaranty Bank & Trust in order to have their loan forgiven.  This applied to PPP loans of all sizes.    

The SBA has determined that 93% of all loans submitted for forgiveness have been for $150,000 or less.  In order to streamline the process going forward, the SBA has now opened the “SBA PPP Direct Forgiveness Portalfor loans of $150,000 or less.  Loans over $150,000 will follow the same process as before.

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Forgiveness Forms - Loans under $150,000

Guaranty Bank & Trust has “opted-in” to this process and GBT Borrowers with loans of $150,000 or less can submit their application directly to SBA in a more streamlined process.  Borrowers are encouraged to apply and to set-up an account and complete their application.

The SBA has established a call center for questions. The SBA PPP Direct Forgiveness Borrower Hotline is +1(877) 552-2692.  

There is also a link below for Frequently Asked Questions to assist you with your application.

Forgiveness Forms - Loans over $150,000

Helpful Resources