Report Suspicious Emails
One of the most common types of email fraud is the practice of sending a phony email message, which is sometimes referred to as "phishing." Such phony emails are disguised as legitimate and often include company logos that look real.
But they're actually from criminals who send thousands of emails at a time to random addresses. These criminals are trying to entice you to visit a phony website and provide personal and confidential information, such as User IDs and passwords, or Social Security numbers and account numbers. Although the site may look like a bank's or a retailer’s, it is not - which is why this practice is known as "spoofing”.
Guaranty Bank & Trust will never contact you either by email or by phone unsolicited and request your online banking credentials.
Spotting phony email messages is not always easy. Sometimes, they may ask you to reply directly, or provide a link that takes you to a website that appears legitimate but is not. In either case, these phony email messages generally ask you to provide sensitive personal, financial, or account information.
More Tips For Spotting Fraudulent Emails:
- Fraudulent emails are trying to trick you into providing your personal information. Guaranty Bank & Trust will never ask you to reply to an email with any personal information, such as your Social Security number, Account number, Debit Card information, or any other sensitive information. In addition, when you sign in to Online Banking always make sure to look for your Verification Phrase.
- An urgent claim that your account may be closed if you fail to confirm, verify, or authenticate your personal information immediately. Guaranty Bank & Trust and most other financial institutions will not ask you to verify information in this way.
- Requests for security information claim that the bank has lost important security information and needs to update it online. Guaranty Bank & Trust and most other financial institutions will not ask you to verify information in this way.
- Typos and other errors are often the marks of fraudulent emails or websites. Be on the lookout for typographical or grammatical errors; awkward, stilted, or inappropriate writing; and poor visual or design quality.
Protecting Yourself Against Email and Website Fraud:
Always make sure you are on Guaranty Bank & Trust’s website when you sign in to Online Banking. Your Verification Phrase helps you with this, but to be absolutely sure, you can type in your browser address bar.
If you receive an email claiming to be from Guaranty Bank & Trust that appears to be suspicious, do not click on any links it provides or reply to it.
To report a suspicious email that appears to be from Guaranty Bank & Trust, please forward it to [email protected] and then delete the email. Please be advised that this e-mail is unsecured and privacy cannot be ensured. For your protection, do not include account numbers or confidential information.